Assalamualaikum w.t.h kepada semua pembaca sekalian, minggu ini telah genap 2 hari terakhir saya menjalani peperiksaan akhir semester bagi semester yang ke- 5.
Hanya tinggal satu lagi saja praktikal exam sebelum tamat sesi kali ini.
This exercise introduced to patient who has coordination impairment like the stroke patient or someone whom Dr. diagnosed with Parkinsonian disease.
Let me explained to you what we meant actually by Coordination:
The ability to use different parts of the body together smoothly and efficiently. - Wikipedia
So, if our patient failed to do so,
We 'll teach them this Frenkel Exs...
These are the principles that are compulsary for us to understand and comprehend first before proceed to any steps:
Coordination |
1. Start from Slow to Fast.
2. Stabilize at the proximal joint.
3. Observe and concentrate movement.
4. Start with thr stable position to less stable position.
5. Simple movement to complicated movement.
1. Flex and extend one leg, heel sliding down a straight line.
2. Abduct and adduct hip smoothly with knee bent, heel on the table.
3. Abduct and adduct leg with knee and hip extend, leg sliding on the table.
4. Flex and extend hip and knee with heel off the table.
5. Place one heel on knee of opposite leg and slide heel smoothly down shin toward ankle and back of the knee.
6. Flex and extend both legs together, heel sliding on the table.
7. Flex one leg and while extending other leg.
8. Flex and extend one leg while abducting and adducting other leg.
1. Place one foot in therapist's hand, which will change position on each trial.
2. Raised leg and put foot on traced footprint on floor.
3. Sit steady for a few minutes.
4. Rise and sit with knee together.
1. Place foot forward and backward on straight line.
2. Walk along a winding strip.
3. Walk between two parallel lines.
4. Walk, placing each each foot in tracing on floor.
Sorry guys caused I used many jargon terms, maybe you can search through Google for any related concept.
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