Amin Naizar's


Why Physiotherapy Is Better- Off Course In Health Sciences

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One of the greatest writers of short fiction in history named Anton Chekhov had said that, “Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practise”.

But, most of the knowledge we learnt nowadays is not too reliable when it comes to the application/ practise. Can you mention some of the course offered at our university that emphasise more on the practise?

If you can’t.

I’ll help you out.

            The answer is Health Sciences course because they learn on how to prevent ones from illness- and what to do when ones really ill. From all of the branches of health sciences, physiotherapy is the better off due to the abundance of benefits LIKE work vacancy in local and overseas; based on the recitation by The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics:

“There will be 77,400 new jobs for physical therapists during the decade from 2010 to 2020”.
            There’s no such free lunch- To know why physiotherapy is quite special, we have to starts on the framework of the course itself which is the subject. For your information, the bread and butter for this course are the anatomy and exercise therapy that taken from the 1st semester. They have to master this knowledge because it is the most basic for many sub- branches of subject dealing with 12 human body systems & 5 more specific age groups (neonates, infants, pediatrics, adults, geriatrics ) 
Besides, the specific prerequisite to pass the exam is C grade that range from 55 and above in the overall marks. Thus, the quality and their understanding certainly are undeniable.

            In addition, compared to medical lab technology or radiography- physiotherapy is the course of hand skill. Yes! Sometimes, they’ll use the latest technology such as Infra- red radiation, ultra sound or cryocuff but that’s just optional. They still able to operate when there’s no modalities around. The principle of bandaging, compression, soft tissue massage and importantly- exercise usually more than enough for most of them. If we traced 30 or 50 years back, most of the people called the physiotherapist BY ANOTHER NAME WHICH IS ‘tukang urut’ due to the massage technique frequently used by them and no particular machine like today’s era. Up to this moment, physiotherapist has been recruited to follow athlete in various sports and also leads in business sector of health care provider. Who said that you must be a therapist at hospital when you can be more?

            Last but not least, physiotherapy also known as physical therapy at certain notion at west as an appreciation for their ability to treat any disease regarding to the physical performance & impairment. As addition, they are given permission to prescribe medicine to the patient that only permissible just by the doctor & pharmacist before.

            In a nutshell, physiotherapy is the most reliable and beneficial course when it comes to career and application in daily life. Mostly, what they’ve learn are easily practise and also functional as  an add- up value to oneself. No doubt, physiotherapy is evolving in Malaysia and may give the brighter future for the Health Sciences scholars.
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