Amin Naizar's


Perspective On Social Media

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Happy Eidul Fitr to all my Muslim friends. I beg your forgiveness if I had done any mistakes or irritate you with my posts etc.
Today I wanna share about social media perspective.

To be frank. I'm not too attached to the so called Facebook, Instagram, We Chat, Twitter and Snap Chat. I only used them to scroll for the news feed and share things. But, I (kind of) annoying to see people posts every single things happened in their life, even the mundane or so normal one, like what they eat today or posting something so imbecile like their friend's nasal!

Yesterday, I told this to my sister (who fortuitously is an avid Instagram user and keep posting her pictures daily).

"Sis, you know what, I have this feeling of annoyed to see somebody post every single things in social media. It seems like they seek attention and  don't socialize enough in their real life"

Then,she suddenly change her look from her phone to me- Directly to my eyes and said:

" You know what, people posts things in Instagram because they want to keep that moment alive. They want to record their journey and share them with others. What do you think huh?! Don't straightly jump to conclusion. If you loathed all that, just unfollow and stop complaining! "

I'm flabbergasted and dumbfounded at the very same time.
Yup. Though she looked like wasting her time, but she might doing something beneficial.
This notion also shared by the famous actress who want to keep the moment for their child, so that he (the child) knows that there's many people love him:
They called this account as The Yusuf Iskandar.
A post shared by Yusuf Iskandar Hairul Azreen (@theyusufiskandar) on

When we shade some light on this issue, we can conclude that:

1. Stop being self- centered: We cannot label everything with the same label.
For instance, when we see someone's stealing goods, we shouldn't judge them as bad people straight away. They may live in poor and stealing is the last choice for them. (Which still a wrongdoing but we must hate the action but not the people who did it, we must sympathize them and try to understand them first).

2. When you loath something try to understand, why you feel that way.
Is it based from your experience, mindset or your bad circle? When we hate they posted things in Instagram, question ourself, is it because we jealous about their life?
If that's the answer. We have to motivate and educate ourself that they only post the good side of their life and the part they wanted us to see. They still 
have gloomy and unhappy day, but they kept it to themselves. What we see is apparent only.

3. There's always boundaries.
Whatever the reason, we have to realize that we have our own limit. Don't post every single things in social media because we might show to the world of who we really are. Our captions and picture are reflecting our way of thinking and attitude. People may use it against us one day.

Constant vigilance- Mad Eyes Moody.

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